
Brave bat
Brave bat

The rising concern about internet privacy has forced hundreds of millions of users to install ad-blocking plugins and software. Amidst all this, internet privacy is a lost concept, and Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal is proof of how far down internet platforms have stooped. They then use our data to show us relevant ads depending on what they think will interest us. Online platforms are tracking everything we do on the internet. To paint a better picture, consider this Have you ever seen an online advertisement about a certain product just moments after you have discussed it with your friend over a phone call or text message? Or, have you ever realized that every time you search for something on Amazon, advertisements of similar products start to pop up on every social media platform? These platforms study our behavior and interests and show us relevant ads for which advertisers pay them to display. We pay them with our most precious resource: our attention. Services offered by Facebook, Google, Amazon, and other online platforms may seem free, but in reality, they are not. (You can find equivalent settings to disable sponsored images on iOS and Android in the browser Settings menu.Trade BAT/USDT NOW ▶ What is The Brave Browser? To do so, you’ll Customize the new tab page, and toggle Show sponsored images.

  • Sponsored images in new tabs of the Brave Browser appear by default, but you can disable them (basically opt out of them) in browser Settings.
  • At this time, Brave News ads cannot be disabled, and their frequency cannot be changed.
  • The Brave News feature is opt in, but if you enable it, Brave News ads will be on by default.
  • You can choose to change this from 1 to 10 times per hour, or turn them off completely.

    brave bat

    Push notification ads are designed to be shown only when the time is right, and default to display a maximum of 5 times per hour.

    brave bat

    Push notification ads are opt in, and you can opt out again at any time, either by disabling them or by turning their frequency to 0 in Brave Rewards settings.

    brave bat

    Currently, Brave Ads appear in three places: as push notifications, as sponsored cards in the Brave News feed, and as sponsored images on a new browser tab.

    Brave bat